When Death Occurs

We are here to help…

Inevitably there is a procedure to follow when dealing with a death. The primary consideration being registering the death or, if the coroner is involved, waiting for the all clear to make arrangements.

We are here to help and fulfill your wishes or the wishes of the person who has died and in all cases we can assist. Just ask. There is no such thing as a wrong or silly question at a time like this and there is unlikely to have been a scenario with which we haven’t dealt with.

There will be decisions to make and again we will assist and guide you – be it a wish for a motorbike hearse, horse and carriage, a traditional hearse and following car, video link etc, we can help. Today funerals are far more tailored to reflect the lives of the people who are being mourned.

Then there is you, the person arranging the funeral. We are acutely aware that for many people this is a traumatic experience and our aim is to help you deal with that shock and make the right decisions.

Funeral arrangements create a certain amount of administration, so here is a ten point checklist to help you through.

  • 1.  Speak to the hospital and/or the doctor to obtain a medical form. This will allow you to register the death. If the coroner is involved, speak to him about when the body will be released for the funeral.

  • 2.  Make an appointment with the registrar office. Take that Medical certificate, plus ID like passport, birth and wedding certificate of the deceased. This will make registering easier. Order extra death certificates – six is advised – for banks, insurance policies etc of the deceased.

  • 3.  Inform family and friends of death. Work through the list including employer, health workers, social services, banks etc. Cancel future dated appointments.

  • 4.  Ascertain if there is a will and check for funeral instructions. That may be contained in it.

  • 5.  Make appointment with us, the funeral director.

    Have in mind prior to this meeting, when you wish to have the funeral; considering, for example, travelling distances for other mourners, and special dates that you wish to avoid. At this meeting the discussion will be about the coffin, transport, visiting the Chapel of Rest, flowers, orders of service, music, person to take the service, donations in memory, where to go after the funeral, jewellery, online obituary etc. Remember to bring the green form issued to you by the registrar.If the coroner is involved there is a green form.

  • 6. If there is a pre-paid funeral plan you will need a death certificate. We will be able to help explain the instructions we had received from the deceased.

  • 7. We will provide you with confirmation of the arrangements and costs estimate. If there is money in the deceased’s account, funeral costs can be paid prior to probate being granted. The bank will advise you.

  • 8. Order flowers, book reception, inform family, colleagues and friends of the funeral date.

  • 9. Consider memorial wishes, what to do with ashes, inscriptions for headstones etc.

  • 10. Deal with probate, if there is no will you will need to make an application to the registry for a grant of letter of administration.